Argentina – The Country Of Tango


Argentina, the name comes from the Latin and it means “silver”,  is the eight largest country in the world located in the southern part of South America. The country became independent in 1816. It is divided into four regions: The Andesthe Norththe Pampas and Patagonia.

Population: 43,000,000

CapitalBuenos Aires (which can be translated as Fair Winds or Good Airs)

CurrencyArgentine peso

Official language: Argentinian Spanish

Religion: Roman Catholic

The Most Popular Sport: Football (AmE soccer)

Literacy: 98 per cent of the population can read and write

School System: there is one year of pre-school compulsory education after which children start compulsory national education at the age of 6 and finish when they are 14 years old

National Dish: Argentine Asado / click here to see the recipe

The Most Popular DrinkMaté

The Most Popular Dance: Argentine Tango

National FlowerErythrina

The Highest MountainAconcagua (located in the Andes, 6.962 metres)

The Most Popular ArgentiniansPope Francis
                                                    Lionel Messi


Image by David from Pixabay

Top Five Places To Visit:
Iguazu Falls – a series of waterfalls on the river Iguazu marking the border between Argentina and Brazil
Los Glaciares National Park
Mendoza – located in the largest wine producing region in South America
Ushuaia – a former penal colony can serve as a base for Antarctica cruises, winter sports activities and wildlife exploring
Cordoba – the second largest city full of monuments worth seeing

Awesome Native Animals in Argentina:
Pink Fairy Armadillo
arge four-eyed frog




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