Drive Someone Up The Wall

Drive someone up the wall To make someone very angry or irritated. “That loud music is driving…


Listen here   The ballista is an ancient weapon for hurling large stones at a distant target. The…

Be Swamped With

Be swamped with To be covered with a large amount of something or overwhelmed with a…

3 Interesting Facts About The Big Apple

Listen here The Big Apple is a nickname for New York City (NYC), the most populous…

A Swim Through Icy Waters

Listen here Europe has been experiencing cold winter. Nevertheless, freezing weather did not prevent Gyorgy Schirilla from…

Sell Like Hot Cakes

Sell like hot cakes Something which is sold very fast and in large quantities. “This new…

Being Vaccinated

Short Podcasts for You Resources For Modern and Innovative Teachers of English.  Students Become Authors –…

Interviews With Ordinary People

Celebs, celebs and celebs, what they drink, where they eat… All the time just only them…

Traditional Christmas Dinners

Listen here Each country has its own Christmas dinner tradition. Here are a few selections. The Japanese…

All My Christmases Have Come At Once

All my Christmases have come at once To have lots of good luck or that you…