Back To School Week: The Evolving Classroom

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Photo by Belinda Fewings on Unsplash

The classroom of today would be unrecognizable by Charles Dickens at the time he was writing David Copperfield.

Only a few decades ago, a typical classroom would be filled with grubby desks; hard, squeaking benches; scruffy log table books; illegible teacher’s scrawl on the blackboard; and dried-up inkwells.

In the 1970s, classrooms were revolutionized; many of these Dickensian items were replaced by personal calculators and ballpoint pens.

In the late 1980s, the personal computer entered the class framework, followed in the early 1990s by Internet connectivity to the World Wide Web.

Nowadays, individual electronic tablets are not an uncommon sight — consigning slate tablets, blackboards and chalk to the history books.

However, even though the classroom equipment has dramatically changed, pupils still need to listen to their teachers and study long and hard to ensure good exam grades.

grubby: dirty.
to squeak: to make a short and sharp sound.
scruffy: of low quality because of long use or bad handling.
illegible: not readable.
scrawl: illegible handwriting.
chalk: a white or colored substance used for writing or drawing.
grade: a mark that indicates the student’ls level of achievement.



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