Silly as a goose Very foolish. “You are as silly as a goose. You believe everything anyone…
language tips for learners of English
Ugly As A Toad
Ugly as a toad Extremely unattractive, unpleasant to look at. “She is quite a nice looking young…
Screw It/That/You!
Screw you! An impolite, offensive (vulgar) way to express that you are very angry with someone…
Ways To Say “Drunk”
There are hundreds of ways of saying “drunk” in the English language. Here are a few…
Up Yours!
Up Yours! A slang, vulgar, rude exclamation-reply to someone who has annoyed you. Resources For Modern…
Take By Storm
Take (somebody, something) by storm To become very popular or take control of, seize a place…