The future progressive tense is created: be (in future = will be) + verb with ing. Positive sentenceThe train will be arriving soon.She will…
language tips for learners of English
Under The Weather
Under the weather If you feel under the weather then you aren’t feeling well. You are…
Future Tense + Video
The future tense is created: will + verb in all grammatical persons. In the first singular and plural person shall can be…
Walk (Dance) On Air
Walk (Dance) on air To be extremely happy. “Jane started to walk on air after she…
Past Progressive (Continuous) Tense + Video
The past progressive tense is created: be (in the past) + verb with ing. Positive sentence:We were dancing all night.It was snowing all day on Saturday.…
Cut Your Coat According To Your Cloth
Cut your coat according to your cloth This proverb instruct us to plan or act in…
Simple Past Tense + Video
The simple past tense describes an action which started and also ended in the past and which has no…
Skip Class
Skip class Absence from school or a lesson without permission. “John and Charles were thinking of…
The Most Common Irregular Verbs
A arise arose arisen arise in other languages B become became become become…
Present Progressive (Continuous) Tense + Video
The present progressive tense describes an action which happens at the time of speaking or which is intensive in…