Put A Sock In It!

Put a sock in it! Used to tell someone to stop talking or shouting and be…

Make No Bones About

Make no bones about To be very open and frank about something. Not to try to…

Take By Storm

Take (somebody, something) by storm To become very popular or take control of, seize a place…

Kick The Bucket

Kick the bucket To die. “While I was on my holidays, all my pets kicked the…

Drive Someone Up The Wall

Drive someone up the wall To make someone very angry or irritated. “That loud music is driving…

Be Swamped With

Be swamped with To be covered with a large amount of something or overwhelmed with a…

Till The Cows Come Home

Till/Until the cows come home For a very long time. “You can keep on explaining till…

Sell Like Hot Cakes

Sell like hot cakes Something which is sold very fast and in large quantities. “This new…

Ring In The New Year

Ring in the new year 2025 To celebrate the beginning of the new year, usually with…

All My Christmases Have Come At Once

All my Christmases have come at once To have lots of good luck or that you…