Many Hands Make Light Work

Many hands make light work  People do things more quickly when they work together. Many helpers…

On The Ball

On the ball This phrase describes someone who is talented, able to understand and react to…

The Health Benefits Of Turmeric / Herb – the US and British Pronunciation

Listen here For thousands of years, people have known about the health benefits of turmeric, an herb that is…

Social Butterfly

Social butterfly It is a slang term for someone who is very social,easygoing and enjoys visiting…

In Full Swing

In full swing  At the peak of activity (a lot of activity), in full operation. “Restoration…

Excuse/Pardon My French!

Excuse/Pardon my French This phrase is used to apologize for using bad (vulgar language). Origin French…

Phrasal Verbs: “Look”

Look after– to take care of “I can’t go out in the afternoon. I have to…

Make One’s Day

Make one’s day To make someone happy. “Mr Bukna took me to Sutovske vodopady (waterfalls) on Saturday. The…

One Man’s Meat Is Another Man’s Poison

One man’s meat is another man’s poison What one person likes, another person may dislike. People…

Let The Cat Out Of The Bag

Let the cat out of the bag To reveal (tell) a secret, usually by a mistake.…