Drink Like A Fish

Drink like a fish We use this phrase when discussing someone’s tendency to drink too much…

Word Of The Day: Bozo

bozo: (informal) a stupid and incompetent person. “Some bozo left the door open again.” “The recently elected mayor…

Cooking With Gas

Cooking with gas To do very well. Being successful in an activity, especially after a period…

Count Out

Count out To not include someone in an activity or plan, to think of someone or…

Caught Red-Handed

Caught red-handed To catch someone in the act, when they are doing something wrong or illegal.…

Other Ways How To Say “Tired”

I’m exhausted.  She’s knackered.  You look whacked. I’m worn out. We’re wrecked.   PROVERBS EASY GRAMMAR English…

Cook The Books

Cook the books To change numbers in financial records of a company or  organisation in order…

Heart In The Right Place

Heart in the right place This phrase is used to say that someone is really a…

There’s No Such Thing As A Free Lunch

There is no such thing as a free lunch  The phrase means that nothing in life…

Chicken Feed

Chicken feed A very paltry or small amount of anything, especially of money. “Thousand euros may…