English Words Of Foreign Origin (Ballet, Robot, Sauerkraut…)

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Robot / Image by Jean-Louis SERVAIS from Pixabay

English has a lot of words.

And the English language has become very dominant in the last two hundred years. As such, many languages are full of English words.

But there are also words which English has borrowed from other languages.

Here are a few:

ballet: an artistic dance (from French)

catamaran: a boat with two hulls (from Tamil)

chocolate: a solid block made from cacao seeds (from Spanish)

kindergarten: a school for young children (from German)

robot: a machine capable of carrying out a series of tasks automatically (from Czech)

rucksack: a backpack (from German)

sauerkraut: cut-up pickled cabbage (from German)

yacht: a sailing boat (from Dutch)

to borrow: to receive something with the expressed intention of returning it. 

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