Janosik, A Highway Man Who Robbed The Rich And Gave To The Poor

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An outlaw named Juro Jánošík was born to a poor family in the north region of Central Europe, today’s Slovakia, in 1688.

He and his friend formed a group of outlaws that robbed the rich merchants and the nobility.

They shared part of their loot with the poor.

The group under Jánošík’s leadership never killed anyone which is almost unbelievable in those times.

Jánošík was caught and executed in 1713.

He was offered a pardon in exchange for naming his associates and location of the loot. He refused to give away any information, so a hook was pierced through his side and he was left dangling on the gallows to die.

Legend has it his last words were: “If you baked me, you should eat me.”

outlaw: (in the past) a person who has broken the law and lives separately from the society.  
the nobility: people of the highest social rank.
pardon: to make free from the legal penalty.  
to dangle: to hang loosely.

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