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There are dozens of new car models produced and sold every year.
Some of the models linger for years, others are soon forgotten.
But would you ever imagine Lada, A Russian car make, being on the list of the top selling cars of all time?
Here is the ranking of the 5 best selling cars:
1 Toyota Corolla – 43 million models sold
2 Ford F Series – 40 million models sold
3 Volkswagen Golf – 30 million models sold
4 Volkswagen Beetle – 23,5 million models sold
5 Lada VAZ 2101 – 19 million models sold
to linger: to take a long time to leave.
car’s make/car model: name of a company that produces cars/the name of a car product.
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Basically, a cup of black tea (Golden Nepal or Assam) would be appreciated since I do not drink coffee.