Preserving And Pickling Fruit And Vegetables For Winter

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Photo by little plant on Unsplash

The European summer holiday season is especially enjoyed by relaxing at the seaside, lakeshore or open-air spas, enjoying one’s favourite activities or simply having a few days off work.

Despite the domination of supermarkets for shopping staples, not all family habits and customs have been abandoned or forgotten.

In Central Europe, many families still preserve home-grown fruit, herbs and vegetables. There is nothing nicer, in the depth of a bitter winter, than opening up a jar of preserves or pickles, knowing that they were from your own garden.

So from the middle of August until October, cellars, cool pantries and parlours are filled with preserved berries, apricots, peaches, apples, plums, pears, onions, beetroot, home- made ketchup, pickled cucumbers, dried herbs and mushrooms.

off: away from. 
staples: základné potraviny. 
to preserve: (of food, fruit, vegetables) to conserve.
pantry: a small room in a house where food is kept. 
to pickle: (of vegetables or sometimes meat) to preserve especially in vinegar or salt water.



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