Stories Written By Students: David’s Story

Stories Written by Students

We at feel a strong need for creativity be included at schools. Nothing against modern technologies that are helping us every day, but still we should keep on developing our own creativity. Therefore, we would like to reopen our project, we have abandoned, Short Stories Written by Students and now in cooperation with Ahhoy and the VIA IVA Bookshop. Hopefully, you may enjoy reading short stories written by our “young generation”.

David’s Story

David‘s Story on

One upon a time, there was a man called David. No one knew exactly where he was from. His lonely little house was resting nearby the biggest forest of the town. No neighbors, no buildings around, just plain dusty surroundings by the house and a strange man living there.

David was said to be a nice, handsome guy, with a bright smile on his face, never sad and always confident earlier, in his younger age. But suddenly something horrifying must have happened in his life and he shut his door forever.

Someone said David might be thoughtful and lonesome, though lately he was spotted walking around sad. The truth was that the woman he was in love with, went gone by unknown circumstances and no one knew exactly where she was. People claimed she had died, but David felt inside that although something was wrong with the love of his life, she was still alive, somewhere, somehow. Every Saturday evening, at 6 pm, the time she had gone, David was walking around the house with a hope that she would come back .

It was already four years since the woman had been gone. Even though so much time had passed, David never forgot to go for a walk around on Saturday evenings. But that day it was a little bit different. Somehow, David focused on watching TV for a little too long and missed the 6 o’clock walk. It was almost half past six when he heard someone knocking at his door.  David gasped. No one of his past friends ever knew where he lived and now there is someone behind his door. David got up and slowly went to the house door. As he was approaching it he felt goosebumps running on his skin. There was something weird.

“Who could it be?“, he whispered to himself and opened the door. He saw a strange woman with a huge black scarf covering half of her face.

“Who are you?“, David asked.

“Don‘t you remember me, David Smith?“, she said. Within that moment David recognized a well known feminine voice. His heart started bumping fast and hands to shake.

“Rose, is that you?“, his voice cracked.

“Yes, it‘s me, David“. Now David was definitely confused and did not know what to do.

“Wou-ld… would you come in?“, he offered.

“Yes“, Rose agreed. Rose entered the hall and a room light lit up her face. David gasped again.

“What happened to you!?“ he whispered, his eyes were full of tears.

“Four years ago… I got into a car accident. It‘s terrible to remember everything again… My whole body was ruined, I did not look like a human anymore, let alone an attractive young woman anymore.  So, I was not brave enough to show up to you.“ And she suddenly took off her scarf. All her face was full of scars, she looked like a different person.

“Rose… Poor you… My darling, come here to me,“ David hugged Rose tightly, they both burst into tears. “It‘s been four years, Rose… four years…“ David could not believe that the love of his life was still alive, right now standing in front of him.

“Aren‘t you afraid of seeing me like this?“, Rose felt  embarrassed.

“Are you kidding me? Your eyes are sparkling just the way they did when I saw you for the first time. You are even more beautiful and the charm of your  soul is just bursting out of you when you speak. I like the way you look now and I will never stop loving you, no matter what.“

At that moment Rose came close back to David and the smile on his face never disappeared again.

Author: Jacinta from Lithuania 

Resources For Modern and Innovative Teachers of English. 

Students Become Authors – Creative HandWriting

A Folk Tale Creative Comic

A Unique Card Game of Idioms and Proverbs

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Basically, a cup of black tea (Golden Nepal or Assam) would be appreciated since I do not drink coffee.  

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