Up Yours!

Up Yours! A slang, vulgar, rude exclamation-reply to someone who has annoyed you. Resources For Modern…

The Whiskey Robber

Listen here Attila Ambrus is Hungary’s most famous criminal in modern times. Ambrus was a professional hockey…

Take By Storm

Take (somebody, something) by storm To become very popular or take control of, seize a place…

The Very First Rap Artist

Listen here John Skelton was an English poet and tutor to King Henry VIII of England.…

Drive Someone Up The Wall

Drive someone up the wall To make someone very angry or irritated. “That loud music is driving…

Be Swamped With

Be swamped with To be covered with a large amount of something or overwhelmed with a…

3 Interesting Facts About The Big Apple

Listen here The Big Apple is a nickname for New York City (NYC), the most populous…

Till The Cows Come Home

Till/Until the cows come home For a very long time. “You can keep on explaining till…

Being Vaccinated

Short Podcasts for You Resources For Modern and Innovative Teachers of English.  Students Become Authors –…

Ring In The New Year

Ring in the new year 2025 To celebrate the beginning of the new year, usually with…