Empty Vessels (Barrels) Make The Most Noise

Empty vessels make the most noise (Empty cans rattle the most) This saying means that, and…

Pay Through The Nose

Pay through the nose To pay too much money for something. “You paid through the nose…

Back To School Week: The Evolving Classroom

Listen here The classroom of today would be unrecognizable by Charles Dickens at the time he was writing David…

The Marshmallow Test

Listen here The Marshmallow test measures a child’s ability to delay gratification. The child is offered…

Three Quotes By Socrates

“Smart people learn from everything and everybody, average people learn from their experiences and stupid ones…

Word Of The Day: Kip

Kip is a sleep. It is longer than a nap (a very short sleep) and shorter…

Foot The Bill

Foot the bill To pay for something, especially something expensive or irrational. “I will never ever…

Preserving And Pickling Fruit And Vegetables For Winter

Listen here The European summer holiday season is especially enjoyed by relaxing at the seaside, lakeshore…

Until You Are Blue In The Face

Until you are blue in the face This phrase is used to say that you will…

Food Prices Rise Sharply

Listen here If you have visited a grocery store recently, then you know that food prices have…