Wet One’s Whistle

Wet one’s whistle To have a ( an alcoholic) drink.  “I must wet my whistle before…

The Longest English Word

Listen here Although some languages have longer words, English does have a number of words which…

Put A Sock In It!

Put a sock in it! Used to tell someone to stop talking or shouting and be…

The Whiskey Robber

Listen here Attila Ambrus is Hungary’s most famous criminal in modern times. Ambrus was a professional hockey…

Take By Storm

Take (somebody, something) by storm To become very popular or take control of, seize a place…


Listen here   The ballista is an ancient weapon for hurling large stones at a distant target. The…

Be Swamped With

Be swamped with To be covered with a large amount of something or overwhelmed with a…

3 Interesting Facts About The Big Apple

Listen here The Big Apple is a nickname for New York City (NYC), the most populous…

A Swim Through Icy Waters

Listen here Europe has been experiencing cold winter. Nevertheless, freezing weather did not prevent Gyorgy Schirilla from…

Ring In The New Year

Ring in the new year 2025 To celebrate the beginning of the new year, usually with…