Have a sweet tooth You have a sweet tooth if you like to eat sweet and…
Tag: esl
A Free Restaurant For The Homeless
Listen here Novak Djokovic is a Serbian athlete and the former number one tennis player in…
Two Wrongs Don’t Make A Right
TWO WRONGS DON’T MAKE A RIGHT Retaliation for something wrong that has been done to you…
Demonstratives: This, That, These, Those
Demonstratives this, that, these, those This (for singular) and these (for plural) are used if we wish to point out a person or thing…
Definite Article: The
Nouns in English can have a definite “the” article, indefinite “a”, “an” article or no article.…
Was Cleopatra Beautiful?
Listen here It has been a popular belief throughout history that Cleopatra, the Egyptian queen, was…
Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Actions Speak Louder Than Words It is more important what you say than what you say.…
Are We Alone?
Listen here Stephen Hawking believes there could be life in other parts of our galaxy.…
Madártej (Floating Islands)
This recipe is for a dessert from Hungary. If you have a recipe that you would…