Excuse/Pardon My French!

Excuse/Pardon my French This phrase is used to apologize for using bad (vulgar language). Origin French…

Phrasal Verbs: “Look”

Look after– to take care of “I can’t go out in the afternoon. I have to…

English Words Of Foreign Origin (Ballet, Robot, Sauerkraut…)

Listen here English has a lot of words. And the English language has become very dominant…

Make One’s Day

Make one’s day To make someone happy. “Mr Bukna took me to Sutovske vodopady (waterfalls) on Saturday. The…

Japanese Names Have Their Meanings

Listen here Parents in Japan can choose a name for their baby which sounds good and…

One Man’s Meat Is Another Man’s Poison

One man’s meat is another man’s poison What one person likes, another person may dislike. People…

Let The Cat Out Of The Bag

Let the cat out of the bag To reveal (tell) a secret, usually by a mistake.…

Ice Hockey Jerseys Made From Plastic Bottles

Listen here In 2013 Nike unveiled new sets of ice hockey apparel which was used by…

Words: Off-Grid

Off-grid (also off-the-grid) Not connected to municipal utilities such as electricity, gas and water supply. “More…

Purple Tea – An Option For Health Conscious Tea Lovers

Listen here Purple tea is  a relatively new type of tea developed in Kenya. Unlike other types…