Train Has Its Stop Inside A Block Of Flats

Listen here Obstacles for some, challenges for others. Chinese planners and engineers finally decided not to pull…

Son Doong Is The Largest Natural Cave On The Planet

Listen here Hang Sơn Đoòng cave is located in Vietnam near its borders with Laos. The cave was…

Work Like A Dog

Work like a dog  To work very, extremely  hard.  Origin Perhaps this idiom refers to farm…

Word Of The Week: Freeloader

freeloader: someone who takes things from other people without paying for them or giving anything in…

The Green Jacket

Listen here You might not consider a green jacket to be among the most desirable fashion items. Nevertheless,…

Under The Weather

Under the weather This phrase means that you are feeling unwell, ill. Origin It was probably…

Watch Storks Online

Listen here Storks are long-legged and long-necked birds which usually arrive in Central Europe in March…

Sly As A Fox

Sly as a fox  Someone who is sly as a fox is exceptionally clever or shrewd…

Stop Cigarette Litter

Listen here Everyone knows that littering is wrong. Yet, there are some smokers who insist on…

Wet Behind The Ears

Wet behind the ears  To be young and new at something and without the necessary experience.…