No-Shave November Or Movember

Listen here  You can meet a large number of men with moustaches in November. Every year during this…

Watch Less TV And Lose Weight

Listen here A new study has found that people eat more when they watch television. Dr.…


The imperative of the second singular and plural person is created as follows. Whether it is used for a…

An East German Hotel

Listen here   Germany was reunited as a country in 1990. However, a new East German…

Ice Hockey Vocabulary

BLUE LINE: it divides the offensive zone from the neutral zone. BOARDING: a penalty when an…

Conditional Sentences

There are three basic types of conditional sentences in English.

October 31 Is Halloween

“Trick or treat?”

An Untrained Passenger Was Able To Land A Small Plane

Appreciation to all ordinary heroes.

A Bed Of Roses

A bed of roses 

Ing Form (Gerund)

A verb + ing is  frequently used in English. The learner needs to recognize whether verb + ing functions…