Ring in the new year 2025 To celebrate the beginning of the new year, usually with…
Tag: learningenglish
Interviews With Ordinary People
Celebs, celebs and celebs, what they drink, where they eat… All the time just only them…
Traditional Christmas Dinners
Listen here Each country has its own Christmas dinner tradition. Here are a few selections. The Japanese…
All My Christmases Have Come At Once
All my Christmases have come at once To have lots of good luck or that you…
Many Hands Make Light Work
Many hands make light work People do things more quickly when they work together. Many helpers…
A Hockey Fan Gets Too Close To The Game
Listen here It is not unusual to see ice hockey players fight during a match. What…
On The Ball
On the ball This phrase describes someone who is talented, able to understand and react to…
The Health Benefits Of Turmeric / Herb – the US and British Pronunciation
Listen here For thousands of years, people have known about the health benefits of turmeric, an herb that is…