When In Rome, Do As The Romans Do

When in Rome, do as the Romans do  When you are in a new place you…

Dieting For Peace

Listen here      A filmmaker has found a way for Palestinian and Israeli women to…

Chinese Students Can Be Punished By Their Teachers

Listen here   Primary and secondary teachers in China have been given the right to hand…

Have Two Left Feet

Have two left feet Someone who is not very good – clumsy – at dancing has…

Have A Sweet Tooth

Have a sweet tooth You have a sweet tooth if you like to eat sweet and…

Rain Before Seven, Fine Before Eleven

RAIN BEFORE SEVEN, FINE BEFORE ELEVEN This proverb is based on the weather in Britain, where…

Many, Much, A Lot Of, Little, Few, Less, Fewer, More

GREAT IN NUMBERmany – always with countable nouns (many cars, firends, etc.) much – always with uncountable nouns…