Son Doong Is The Largest Natural Cave On The Planet

Listen here Hang Sơn Đoòng cave is located in Vietnam near its borders with Laos. The cave was…

Word Of The Week: Freeloader

freeloader: someone who takes things from other people without paying for them or giving anything in…

One Minute Of Anger Versus One Minute Of Laughter

Listen here One minute of anger weakens the immune system for 4-6 hours. While one minute of laughter…

Make No Bones About

Make no bones about To be very open and frank about something. Not to try to…

The Very First Rap Artist

Listen here John Skelton was an English poet and tutor to King Henry VIII of England.…

Kick The Bucket

Kick the bucket To die. “While I was on my holidays, all my pets kicked the…

The Health Benefits Of Turmeric / Herb – the US and British Pronunciation

Listen here For thousands of years, people have known about the health benefits of turmeric, an herb that is…

Make One’s Day

Make one’s day To make someone happy. “Mr Bukna took me to Sutovske vodopady (waterfalls) on Saturday. The…

Like A Moth Drawn To A Flame / Stitches By Shawn Mendez

Like A Moth Drawn To A Flame = to be attracted to something or someone very strongly. …

10 Different Ways To Say “I Understand”

Sure Alright Of course Absolutely Got it I get it I see Fair enough = you admit…