Jet set = an international social group of rich people.who visit fashionable resorts to take part in…
Tag: proverbs
Listen here Paella is a traditional Spanish dish which has been cooked in Spanish homes for centuries. Most…
The Splendour Of Fall
Listen here It is autumn in the Northern Hemisphere. The nights are growing longer and the days are…
Do You Remember The Vuvuzela?
Listen here Spain won the 2010 World Cup in South Africa. Yet what many people remember…
Keep Someone Posted
Keep someone posted To regularly give someone news about what is happening, especially about something that…
Five Things That Would Be Offensive In America
Avoid doing the following things in the U.S. They could offend someone.
Empty Vessels (Barrels) Make The Most Noise
Empty vessels make the most noise (Empty cans rattle the most) This saying means that, and…
Back To School Week: The Evolving Classroom
Listen here The classroom of today would be unrecognizable by Charles Dickens at the time he was writing David…