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Attila Ambrus is Hungary’s most famous criminal in modern times.
Ambrus was a professional hockey player who also robbed banks.
He robbed 28 banks before he was caught.
Before each robbery he would drink a shot of whiskey; hence, he became known as “The Whiskey Robber”.
Nobody was ever hurt during these robberies, and Ambrus would sometimes give flowers to female tellers.
He was eventually caught and put in prison where he later took up pottery. In 2012 he was released on parole and he continued pottery production.
to rob: to steal from.
robbery: the act of robbing.
teller: a person who gives or receives money at a bank.
parole: the release of a prisoner prior to the end of his/her sentence on condition of good behaviour.
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Basically, a cup of black tea (Golden Nepal or Assam) would be appreciated since I do not drink coffee.