A Crude Oil Bath

Listen here Azerbaijan, a former state of the old Soviet Union, is a country which is…

The Effects Of Stress On Your Body

Listen here Stress is a natural reaction to  life experiences and, in short-term situations, it helps…

One Minute Of Anger Versus One Minute Of Laughter

Listen here One minute of anger weakens the immune system for 4-6 hours. While one minute of laughter…

Best Foods For Your Body

Listen here A well balanced diet is the secret to a healthier life. Walnut is a source…


Listen here The term superfood was coined for marketing purposes to sell foods with health benefits.…

A Swim Through Icy Waters

Listen here Europe has been experiencing cold winter. Nevertheless, freezing weather did not prevent Gyorgy Schirilla from…

The Health Benefits Of Turmeric / Herb – the US and British Pronunciation

Listen here For thousands of years, people have known about the health benefits of turmeric, an herb that is…

Purple Tea – An Option For Health Conscious Tea Lovers

Listen here Purple tea is  a relatively new type of tea developed in Kenya. Unlike other types…

Going Vegetarian

Listen here There are many reasons why a person may choose to become a vegetarian. For…

My Experience Switching From Coffee To Tea

Listen here After drinking coffee every morning for 30 years, I never thought I would be…