Have/Get + Something + Done (Video)

Have + Something + Past Participle (the third form of a verb) This grammatical construction means that we use someone else…

By The Skin Of One’s Teeth

By the skin of one’s teeth  To succeed in doing something by a narrow margin, only…

Christmas Comes But Once A Year

Christmas comes but once a year This proverb can probably have more meanings. But the most…

Because Of VS Due To

BECAUSE OF modifies a verb. We bought this house because of its location. They lost the match because of a lack of training. The plane was…

The Bee’s Knees

The bee’s knees An excellent thing or person “You must try this cheese. It is the…

Ask For The Moon

Ask for the moon To ask for something which is very difficult to get. “I hope…

You Can’t Make An Omelette Without Breaking Eggs

You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs To take effort or have to do unpleasant…

The Apple Of My Eye

The apple of my eye Someone or something you love or like  very much and more…

Both…And / Either…Or / Neither…Nor + Video

How to use “both…and“, “either…or“, neither…nor” in a sentence. Both…andDad is going to the cinema. Mom is…

Another (A second) Bite At The Cherry

Another (A second) bite at the cherry To have a second chance or opportunity to do…