THERE + BE +NOUN There are problems. There were other solutions, too. There is a high unemployment rate there.…
Tag: easygrammar
Some, Any, No, None
SOME I’ve got some friends in Russia.She bought some cheese yesterday. – in a question if it…
Turning The Ordinary Into The Extraordinary
Listen here If you live in a big city, then commuting to work might not…
Objects: Me, You, Him, Her, It, Us, Them
I me They told me about their new house. You you I need you. He him I really like him.…
Demonstratives: This, That, These, Those
Demonstratives this, that, these, those This (for singular) and these (for plural) are used if we wish to point out a person or thing…
Definite Article: The
Nouns in English can have a definite “the” article, indefinite “a”, “an” article or no article.…
Many, Much, A Lot Of, Little, Few, Less, Fewer, More
GREAT IN NUMBERmany – always with countable nouns (many cars, firends, etc.) much – always with uncountable nouns…