Football/Soccer Vocabulary

FOOTBALL (UK)  = SOCCER (USA) ASSISTANT REFEREE (LINESMAN): an officcial who is at touchlines and who…

Don’t We Need English Anymore?

Listen here Skype, a computer communications application, has introduced an interpreting service Skype – Translator. Currently…

Drink Green Tea For Your Health

Listen here Many North Americans have recently discovered what people in Asian countries have known for…

The World’s Smallest Opera House

Listen here Tony Amato, a butcher’s son, decided to change his life in New York and…

Guide Dogs For The Blind And Visually Impaired

Listen here   Guide dogs allow blind and visually impaired people the opportunity to have greater mobility.…

Simple Present Perfect Tense

The simple present perfect tense is sometimes misused by the non-native speakers of English as they often…

Too Many Cooks Spoil The Broth

Too many cooks spoil the broth  If there are too many people involved in an activity…

The First Woman In Space

Listen here In 1963, Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman to fly in space. When she was very…

Under The Weather

Under the weather  If you feel under the weather then you aren’t feeling well. You are…

Walk (Dance) On Air

Walk (Dance) on air To be extremely happy. “Jane started to walk on air after she…