Don’t Excercise When You Feel Sick

Listen here 30 minutes per day of walking, running or biking can halve the risk of contracting respiratory…

Use Of The Infinitive + Video

The infinitive in English is created by adding to before a verb, e.g.: to writeto work In English there is also…

The Most Popular Takeout Food

The most popular takeout food in different countries. The US = pizza Canada = burrito England =…

Past Perfect Progressive (Continuous) Tense + Video

The past perfect progressive tense describes and puts emphasis on the progress of an action which took…

Football/Soccer Vocabulary

FOOTBALL (UK)  = SOCCER (USA) ASSISTANT REFEREE (LINESMAN): an officcial who is at touchlines and who…

The Five Lies About Love People May Believe

Listen here Each relationship is unique, so there is probably no single rule which we could…

Darts Is Becoming More Popular

Listen here Throwing darts can be seen as a pastime activity by many people. The modern game of…

Raining Cats And Dogs

Raining cats and dogs  When someone says “It’s raining cats and dogs”, they mean that it…

The First Nuclear Weapons Used In Armed Conflict

Listen here On  August 6, 1945 the United States dropped an atomic bomb, named “Little Boy”,…

Tennis Vocabulary

ACE: a winning serve without being touched by the receiver.ADVANTAGE: a player who scores a point…