The Real Bank Of Love

Listen here Are you thinking of how to make your love grow?  There is a solution.…

Dinner In The Sky

Listen here A Belgian company has come up with a new service for those who like…

Eternal Flames In Azerbaijan

Listen here Yanar Dag is a hill in Azerbaijan with a natural gas fire blazing on its…

Caught Red-Handed

Caught red-handed To catch someone in the act, when they are doing something wrong or illegal.…

Will We Eventually Pay More For Water Than Crude Oil?

Listen here In many countries of the world fresh water is simply taken for granted. Now…

Other Ways How To Say “Tired”

I’m exhausted.  She’s knackered.  You look whacked. I’m worn out. We’re wrecked.   PROVERBS EASY GRAMMAR English…

The Youngest Country – Liberland

Listen here Vit Jedlicka, the self-proclaimed president of the newest country in the world, seized the…

Spaying And Neutering Your Pets

Listen here Everywhere one goes in the world, one sees the same problem: homeless animals wandering…

Grime Music

Listen here Grime is a music genre that originated in East London estates and urban jungles at…

World Autism Awareness Day

April 2 is World Autism Awareness Day.