You Can’t Make An Omelette Without Breaking Eggs

You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs To take effort or have to do unpleasant…

The Most Popular Names

Listen here The choice of childrens’ names varies regionally, nationally and also culturally. The two most given names…

Atlantis, The Palm

Listen here Atlantis, the Palm is the world’s most expensive hotel. The seven-star resort in Dubai…

Both…And / Either…Or / Neither…Nor + Video

How to use “both…and“, “either…or“, neither…nor” in a sentence. Both…andDad is going to the cinema. Mom is…

Turmeric And Milk

This is a home remedy that is used in India to treat fevers and body aches…

Another (A second) Bite At The Cherry

Another (A second) bite at the cherry To have a second chance or opportunity to do…

Word Of The Week: Hoarder

hoarder: someone who collects a large number of  things that have little or no value and…

Soul Sensation

Listen here John Newman, a 33-year-old successful English singer and musician, from the Yorkshire Dales town…

Fainting Goats

The Myotonic is an American breed of goats that collapse in fear.

Is There Intelligent Life Outside Of Earth?

Listen here   Are there other civilizations in outer space? Scientists, science fiction writers and ordinary…