Listen here Would you pay $1,000 for a pizza? A restaurant owner in New York City…
Bush’s Language Mistakes
Listen here English teachers often shook their heads when they heard former President Bush speak. Bush…
Future Tense + Video
The future tense is created: will + verb in all grammatical persons. In the first singular and plural person shall can be…
GoAir Hires Only Women
Listen here An Indian budget airline employs only female flight attendants. Most of us would tend to…
A Hero Is Remembered
Listen here Raoul Wallenberg was a Swedish diplomat who worked in Budapest during the Second World War. He…
African Children Are Learning Chinese
Listen here Kenyan pupils in elementary schools began to learn Mandarin Chinese in 2020. Pupils in…
Essential Tips On How To Lose Your Facebook Friends
Listen here Don’t forget – change your cover image regularly, just like clockwork. Don’t stop adding your…
Walk (Dance) On Air
Walk (Dance) on air To be extremely happy. “Jane started to walk on air after she…
Human Rights For Animals?
Listen here The Spanish municipality of Trigueros del Valle voted to give the same rights to animals as…
Do You Talk To Your Plants?
Listen here “Good morning, plants. How are you today?” Plants may not understand English or any…